Join us exploring the very best of Northland’s coast and bush, with something for everyone from easy strolls to more challenging grades.
Mangawhai is a popular walking destination in New Zealand with the Mangawhai Walking Weekend, an annual event at the end of March, showcasing the walks in the area. Some of these walks are accessible any time of the year.
More Information
Local guides: We aim for this weekend to be an enjoyable social time while discovering Mangawhai and its beautiful surroundings. All walks are led by a knowledgeable guide who will lead the walk, set the pace and remain at the front while the ‘Tail end Charlies” ensure everyone keeps part of the group.
Safety: We walk as a group between the leader and the ‘Tail-end Charlies’. Walkers are required to sign in at the beginning of each walk, and sign off at the end – our way of accounting for all walkers.
Meeting: All walks leave from and return to the Mangawhai Domain, Moir Street Mangawhai. Arrive 15 minutes before Assembly time.
Booking: All walks have limited numbers – please do not be disappointed if your first choice is not available. Please make sure you indicate a second choice.
Getting to the Walks: Car pooling will be organised for some of the walks, this is arranged on the day. Some walks include bus or shuttle transport.
Booking Confirmation: Confirmation of your walks, and information about what to bring will be emailed to you.
Toilets: Some walks do not have toilet facilities. There are toilets at the Domain Hall.
Are there walks planned for both days? All the walls listed, are marked for Saturday only.
yes Saturday and sunday – they are all here https://mangawhaiwalking.co.nz/category/2022-walks/
Hi I have volunteered to be the photographer on the Tanekaha track walk.
Just to confirm are we meeting at the domain on Sunday 19 March at 8.45am. Thanks Kylee
Hi Kylee, the end of your message has been lost but yes meet at Domain and walkers carpool to the walk. We need to go through a bit of Health & Safety before walkers head off from Domain.
Thanks for volunteering to take photos. Ill get in touch with Grant so I can contact the volunteer photographers and tee up the times with them. I’ll be in touch again during the week. Regards from Trish