Article from Mangawhai Focus
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Proceeds from the 2015 Wine and Food Festival, held in conjunction with the Mangawhai Walking Weekend, is once again the Mangawhai Tracks Charitable Trust’s primary source of funding.
Trust Chair, Gordon Hosking, noted that although Trackies volunteer their time and labour, materials are needed for things like steps, boardwalks and bridges. “Each step costs $5 for materials even with the generous discounts from local businesses, and boardwalks cost around $50 a metre,” he says.
Funding from the 2015 Wine and Food Festival has allowed the recent completion of the Puriri Track, part of the Tanekaha track complex accessed from King Road, providing a spectacular loop walk in conjunction with the Falls Track
The Trackies thank the community for continuing support of the Walking Weekend, and Wine & Food Festival and look forward to the next event in April 2016.
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